Dr. Shonah Finlay Doctors Eye Care
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What Helps Irritated Eyes?

A man taking off his glasses and rubbing his eye due to irritated eyes

Eye irritation is a common eye complaint with typical accompanying symptoms such as redness, itching, or dry eyes. Depending on the cause, you can also experience other symptoms.  For example, if you have a foreign body in the eye causing irritation, this can constitute an eye emergency. Common irritants usually cause temporary discomfort. However, if […]

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How to Prevent Myopia

A young girl touching the edge of her glasses

Myopia or nearsightedness is a common vision condition and can be diagnosed by your optometrist during an eye exam. Most people are familiar with traditional methods of fixing nearsightedness, such as glasses or contact lenses. Standard prescription lenses help patients experience improved vision but don’t treat the condition. Myopia control uses methods to prevent myopia […]

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How to Get Rid of Red Eyes Without Eye Drops

A close-up image of a woman's red eye

What Causes Red Eyes? Seeing red can be alarming, especially when bloodshot or pinkish eyes are recurring. Eye redness can be a symptom of multiple conditions. Some common causes include: Allergies Broken blood vessels Contact lens wear Dry eyes Eye infections Eye inflammation Eye damage or injury  Photokeratitis (eye sunburn) Using alcohol or cannabis Eye […]

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