Dr. Shonah Finlay Doctors Eye Care
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Category: Myopia

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Can Myopia Be Reversed?

A young woman sitting with a remote control squinting to see the television due to myopia.

Myopia, commonly known as nearsightedness, is an extremely common vision condition that causes objects to appear blurry the further they get from the eye. However, it’s about much more than vision problems—myopia increases the risk of all kinds of eye conditions and diseases later in life. So if you or your child are diagnosed with […]

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What is Myopia Control?

A close-up of a young man using atropine drops to temporarily relax the focusing muscles in the eye, which may help prevent changes in eye shape that lead to myopia progression

If you notice that your child is having difficulty seeing distant objects, squinting, or complaining of headaches or eye strain, they may be suffering from myopia. Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is a common eye condition that can affect both children and adults. Myopia control methods, such as glasses, multifocal contact lenses, Ortho-K, and atropine […]

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How to Prevent Myopia

A young girl touching the edge of her glasses

Myopia or nearsightedness is a common vision condition and can be diagnosed by your optometrist during an eye exam. Most people are familiar with traditional methods of fixing nearsightedness, such as glasses or contact lenses. Standard prescription lenses help patients experience improved vision but don’t treat the condition. Myopia control uses methods to prevent myopia […]

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Can Myopia Be Prevented?

A young girl in front of a white background holding a cell phone extremely close to her face as she is nearsighted due to her myopia

No matter what stage of life you’re in—maintaining a consistent schedule with your optometrist is always important.  Whether you’re just getting a routine eye exam or getting fitted for contact lenses, taking care of your eyes is essential. Maintaining consistency with your optometrist is also essential to treat eye conditions like myopia.  But, what is […]

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