Yes—many people experience dry eyes and cloudy vision simultaneously. […]
Can Makeup Cause Styes?
Makeup can contribute to the development of styes, especially if it’s not applied or removed properly. Using old or contaminated makeup, not cleaning brushes, or applying makeup too close to the lash line can increase the risk. […]
Dry Eye in The Morning: What Can Be The Causes?
Morning dry eye can stem from several causes, such as nocturnal lagophthalmos, sleeping with contacts in, environmental factors, or underlying medical conditions […]
Is Eyesight Hereditary?
Eyesight is precious, and many people take it for granted until they face issues that disrupt their daily lives. That’s why understanding eye health is crucial. One pressing question in discussions around vision health is whether eyesight is hereditary. Eyesight, including eye colour and some eye issues, can be genetic. If a parent has an […]
What Makes Doctors EyeCare Grande Prairie Stand Out
Thanks for stopping by our blog. If you’re looking for more information about Doctors EyeCare Grande Prairie Dr. Shonah Finlay, you’ve come to the right place. Everything You Need to Know about Doctors Eyecare for Eye Health Doctors Eyecare is an independent, full-scope optometry clinic. We focus on utilizing the latest technology to diagnose and […]
What Happens During a Children’s Eye Exam?
Your child’s vision is a crucial part of their everyday life. It’s key to learning, so you should always do what you can to help keep their vision clear. Regular children’s eye exams are an easy way to do this. They give an eye care professional the chance to monitor their vision and address potential […]
Can Myopia Be Reversed?
Myopia, commonly known as nearsightedness, is an extremely common vision condition that causes objects to appear blurry the further they get from the eye. However, it’s about much more than vision problems—myopia increases the risk of all kinds of eye conditions and diseases later in life. So if you or your child are diagnosed with […]
Blepharitis vs. Pink Eye: What’s the Difference?
Blepharitis and pink eye (conjunctivitis) are both eye-related conditions that can lead to discomfort and affect your daily life, but they are distinct conditions with different causes, symptoms, and treatments. Pink eye refers to temporary infection or inflammation of the conjunctiva, while blepharitis is usually a chronic condition affecting the eyelids. Understanding the difference between […]
What Causes Astigmatism to Worsen?
Astigmatism is a common vision condition that can cause blurred or distorted vision at any distance. Many people live with mild astigmatism without even realizing it, but for others, it can significantly affect daily life. Astigmatism can worsen over time depending on certain factors, such as age, eye injury, and daily screen time. Fortunately, astigmatism […]
Do Contact Lenses Expire?
Contact lenses are a popular vision correction option for people who want to avoid the inconvenience of wearing glasses. They offer greater flexibility and unobstructed vision, and can be aesthetically pleasing for many individuals. However, contact lenses have an expiration date, which is crucial for your eye health. This date is usually printed on the […]