Dr. Shonah Finlay Doctors Eye Care
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How Should Glasses Fit My Face?

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A woman smiling and wearing large, circular glasses frames

When it comes to wearing glasses, fitting them properly on your face is paramount not just for comfort, but also for showcasing your personal style. Ill-fitted glasses can detract from your overall appearance and cause a plethora of issues that make wearing them a pain.

Ideally, properly fitted glasses should match your facial features while sitting comfortably on your ears and nose. An optician can help you find the pair that suits you for both function and fashion using the measurements from your eye exam.

Why Properly Fitted Glasses Are Important

For many people, wearing glasses is essential for accomplishing daily goals, providing clear vision to navigate your day. For something as vital as that, wearing them should be as effortless as possible. Properly fitted glasses do more than just enhance your appearance—they can enhance your quality of life.

Poorly fitted glasses aren’t necessarily dangerous, but here are some reasons why it’s worth the effort to find frames suited for you:

  • Aesthetic appeal: Glasses that fit well complement your facial features, adding to your overall look rather than detracting from it.
  • Comfort: Ill-fitting frames can cause discomfort whether they’re too big or too small. Oversized frames can keep slipping off your face, while small frames can leave pressure marks on your nose or behind your ears. This pressure can get so bad some people experience headaches.
  • Avoiding eye strain: When glasses move around on your face, your eyes have to put in extra work to keep the world in focus. This extra effort over a long day can leave your eyes exhausted, leading to eye strain, headaches, and even dry eyes.
  • Clear vision: Glasses are precision-made to line up with your eyes and correct your vision. Ill-fitting frames can mean misaligned lenses which can cause blurriness—meaning you’re not getting the most out of your prescription.

How We Measure Your Face for Glasses

Opticians and optometrists take great care to help your glasses fit perfectly. Trying on different frames is an excellent way to test the waters, but we can cut down on trial and error by taking measurements during your eye exam.

Here are some of the facial features we measure for aesthetics, comfort, and functionality:

  1. Pupillary distance (PD): This measures the distance between the centers of your pupils. It helps the optical center of your lenses align with your pupils, which is crucial for clear vision.
  2. Bridge measurement: The bridge width is the distance between the lenses over your nose. A proper bridge width helps your glasses rest comfortably without sliding down or pinching.
  3. Temple length: This is the length of the arms of your glasses, extending from the hinge to the end tip. Proper temple length helps your glasses stay securely behind your ears without exerting undue pressure.
  4. Lens width and height: These measurements dictate how well the lenses cover your eyes and fit within the frame. It’s important for both aesthetic appeal and visual performance.

Generally, your frame width should match your temples. They don’t have to perfectly align—as different styles have different ways they fit—but they shouldn’t be too narrow or extend too far beyond your face. Try to find frames that don’t cover your eyebrows, as they could obscure your facial expressions.

Speaking of facial expressions, when testing frames, try making a few different expressions. Smile, frown, laugh—it can feel a bit silly, but you’re looking for glasses that don’t touch your cheeks or lift when you smile.

A man smiles as he tries various frame styles at his optometrist

Different Face Shapes & Suitable Frame Styles

While there are plenty of functional reasons to have properly-fitted glasses, there’s no denying glasses can also be a fashion accessory. Choosing the right frame style for your face shape can enhance your natural features. Here’s a quick guide to help you find your match:

  1. Round Face: Angular, narrow frames add definition and create a slimming effect. Look for rectangular or square shapes.
  2. Square Face: Rounded frames soften the strong angles of a square face. Opt for oval or round frames.
  3. Heart Face: Frames that balance the width of the forehead with the narrowness of the chin work best. Consider square or aviator frames or styles with low-set temples.
  4. Oval Face: Most frames suit this balanced face shape. Feel free to experiment with bold shapes and styles.
  5. Diamond Face: Oval or cat-eye frames enhance the cheekbones and soften the angularity. Avoid narrow frames that accentuate the widest part of the face.

Our style quiz can help you understand your options and find the look that lets you shine.

Shopping for Glasses Online vs. In-Store

While shopping for glasses online can be convenient, it often lacks the personalized fitting experience that in-store shopping provides. When you visit us, you can enjoy:

  • Personalized fit: Professional fittings help you find enhanced comfort and vision
  • Try before you buy: See how the frames look and feel on your face
  • Immediate adjustments: Get your glasses adjusted right away by experienced staff

We offer a comprehensive fitting experience, so you know your glasses meet your needs. Our knowledgeable staff is here to guide you through the process, offering adjustments and recommendations tailored to your preferences and requirements.

Find Your Perfect Fit

Properly fitted glasses are essential for comfort, style, and clear vision. At Doctors EyeCare Grande Prairie, we’re committed to helping you find your next favourite pair. Visit us for a personalized fitting experience and expert guidance on the most popular current eyewear styles. Adjustments and recommendations are always available so your glasses can serve you well.

If you’re ready to find your perfect fit, let’s get started on your journey to clearer, more comfortable vision today!

Written by Dr. Shonah Finlay

Dr. Finlay grew up by the gold mines in South Africa and knew from a young age she wanted to follow a medically related career. She applied to and was accepted to study optometry at the former Rand Afrikaans University in South Africa. During her last year of studies, Dr. Finlay worked on the Train of Hope: South Africa’s Phelophepa. This custom-built train (now 2) travels throughout rural South Africa to deliver top-quality primary healthcare to disadvantaged communities. It was a wonderful experience to bring sight to so many people that otherwise do without. Those memories always remind her of why she loves practicing optometry.
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