Dr. Shonah Finlay Doctors Eye Care

Adult & Senior Eye Exams in grande prairie

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A Vital Part of Your Ocular Health

Regular eye exams are vital for your ocular health and vision. An eye examination is more than a vision test; it offers a view of the whole eye and can identify any potential problems. Early detection is the key to continued eye health. With up-to-date technology, you can expect a thorough examination catered to your specific needs. 

Early identification of any eye conditions can increase your chance of recovery and prevent damage to your eyes. If your prescription has changed, we can prescribe you a new pair of corrective lenses. Our team at Doctors EyeCare Grande Prairie is dedicated to helping you protect your eyes and vision. Please call us today to book your appointment.

Why are Eye Exams Important?

A comprehensive eye exam is used to evaluate your vision, check for eye diseases, and determine your eye health. Many eye diseases progress without symptoms, but an annual exam can help identify problems as early as possible. 

Some common eye problems include: 

Eye exams can also identify any underlying health conditions such as high blood pressure, tumours, and neurological conditions

How Often Should I Get an Eye Exam?

The frequency of comprehensive eye exams depends on the individual. The Canadian Association of Optometrists recommends adults receive an eye examination at least every 2 years. If you have diabetes or other health conditions, you should receive an annual exam. 

An annual examination can help protect your ocular health and vision. At 65 years or older, a yearly examination can help care for your continued health. 

Our Location

Our Address

  • 11709 102 Street, Unit 107
  • Grande Prairie, AB T8V 7S6

Contact Us

Clinic Hours

  • Monday (Alternating): 9:00 AM 3:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 11:00 AM 8:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 10:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Thursday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Friday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

Our Blog

Can Makeup Cause Styes?

Eye Care

Makeup can contribute to the development of styes, especially if it’s not applied or removed properly. Using old or contaminated makeup, not cleaning brushes, or applying makeup too close to the lash line can increase the risk.  […]

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December 11, 2024
Dr. Shonah Finlay

Dry Eye in The Morning: What Can Be The Causes?

Dry EyeEye Health

Morning dry eye can stem from several causes, such as nocturnal lagophthalmos, sleeping with contacts in, environmental factors, or underlying medical conditions […]

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November 27, 2024
Dr. Shonah Finlay

Is Eyesight Hereditary?

Eye Exams

Eyesight is precious, and many people take it for granted until they face issues that disrupt their daily lives. That’s why understanding eye health is crucial. One pressing question in discussions around vision health is whether eyesight is hereditary. Eyesight, including eye colour and some eye issues, can be genetic. If a parent has an […]

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October 30, 2024
Dr. Shonah Finlay
A portrait of a beautiful woman applying makeup to her eyes with a makeup brush.

Makeup can contribute to the development of styes, especially if it’s not applied or removed properly. Using old or contaminated makeup, not cleaning brushes, or applying makeup too close to the lash line can increase the risk.  […]

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A person rubbing their eyes after struggling from morning dry eye symptoms.

Morning dry eye can stem from several causes, such as nocturnal lagophthalmos, sleeping with contacts in, environmental factors, or underlying medical conditions […]

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A smiling mother and daughter wearing eyeglasses with arms around each other.

Eyesight is precious, and many people take it for granted until they face issues that disrupt their daily lives. That’s why understanding eye health is crucial. One pressing question in discussions around vision health is whether eyesight is hereditary. Eyesight, including eye colour and some eye issues, can be genetic. If a parent has an […]

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